Why is JWT So Popular? 🚀🔐

Hey there, tech bros and sis! 🌟 Ever wondered why JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are all the rage these days? JWTs are a secure and compact way to transmit information between parties, taking the world by storm. Let's dive into why JWTs are so popular, with some fun examples to help you understand. Ready? Let's go! 🎉

Source of diagrams + reference content and ideas: ByteByteGo

What is a JWT? 🤔

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a secure way to transmit information between parties using JSON objects. It's like a tiny package of data that can be verified and trusted because it's digitally signed. A JWT consists of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature.


Think of a JWT as a special ID card. The header is the card type, the payload is the information on the card, and the signature is the holographic seal that proves it's authentic.


Parts of a JWT 🧩

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the token, such as the token type and the signing algorithm used.
  2. Payload: This contains the claims, statements about an entity (typically the user), and additional data.
  3. Signature: Ensures that the token hasn’t been tampered with.


Imagine you have a JWT that says you're "John Doe". The header tells you it's an ID card, the payload says "John Doe", and the signature is the wax seal, ensuring it's genuine.

Types of Claims 📜

Registered Claims:

Standard claims with predefined keys, such as iss (issuer), exp (expiration time), and sub (subject).

Public Claims:

The users define Custom claims but should avoid conflicts using a collision-resistant namespace.

Private Claims:

Custom claims agreed upon by parties exchanging the JWTs are used to share information specific to the application.


Think of registered claims as standard fields on an ID card (like name and expiration date), public claims as extra notes you can add (like your favourite colour), and private claims as secret messages between you and the card issuer.

Signed vs. Encrypted Tokens 🔏🔐

JWTs can be signed or encrypted. Most implementations use signed but not encrypted tokens, meaning the data inside can be read but not tampered with. Signing a token is like sealing an envelope with a wax stamp to ensure it hasn’t been tampered with.


Signed JWT: Everyone can read the message inside, but only the person with the right wax stamp can create it. Encrypted JWT: Only the person with the key can read the message inside, and it's also signed with a wax stamp.

Types of Signing Algorithms 🔑

Symmetric Algorithms:

Use a shared secret key for both signing and verification.

Asymmetric Algorithms:

Use a public/private key pair for signing and verification.


Symmetric: Both you and your friend have the same secret code to seal and open letters. Asymmetric: You have a private seal to send letters; anyone with the public seal can verify that it’s really from you.

Why JWTs Are Popular 🚀

Signed JWTs provide authentication and authorization and secure information exchange.

1. Self-Contained 📦

JWTs contain all the information needed to verify and process the token within the token itself, eliminating the need for server-side storage.

When a user logs in, the server creates a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) containing user details and sends it back to the client. The client uses this token to access protected resources by sending it in the HTTP header.

JWTs are commonly used in standards like OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for authentication and authorization.

However, it's important to be aware of when not to use JWTs. The payload is not encrypted by default, so it should not contain highly sensitive data.


Imagine carrying an all-access pass with all your permissions embedded in it. Then, whenever you enter a new area, you won’t need to check with the event organizers.

2. Easy to Use and Transfer 🌐

JWTs are compact and can be easily transferred via URL, POST parameters, or inside an HTTP header.


Think of JWTs as a digital keycard that can be scanned or swiped at various checkpoints without hassle.

3. Secure Information Exchange 🔒

Signed JWTs ensure that the information hasn’t been tampered with, providing a secure way to exchange information.


Sending a signed JWT is like sending a sealed letter with a wax stamp. The recipient can verify the seal to ensure the message hasn’t been altered.

4. Authentication and Authorization 🛂

JWTs are commonly used for authentication (verifying the user’s identity) and authorization (verifying the user’s permissions).


A JWT can act as your ID badge at work, proving who you are and what areas you have access to.

5. Scalability and Statelessness 📈

JWTs are stateless, meaning the server doesn’t need to store session information. This makes scaling applications easier. However, because JWTs are stateless, they aren't ideal for managing user sessions and revoking JWT access can also be challenging.


With JWTs, it's like having a VIP pass that doesn’t need to be validated against a central database every time you use it. You just show it, and you’re in!

Best Practices with JWTs 🛡️

Vulnerabilities to be aware of include token hijacking, where an attacker steals a valid JWT to impersonate a user.

JWTs that use weak hashing algorithms could also be vulnerable to cryptographic weaknesses. Automated brute force attacks may try to crack token signatures.

To mitigate risks when using JWTs, some best practices include keeping JWT payloads secure.

  1. Keep Payloads Compact: Include only the necessary information to keep the token size small.
  2. Use Short Expiration Times: Reduce the risk of token theft by limiting how long tokens are valid.
  3. Store Tokens Securely: Keep tokens, such as HTTP-only cookies, safe in storage.
  4. Use Strong Signature Algorithms: Opt for robust algorithms like RS256 or HS512.


It's like keeping your ID card simple and secure: only the essential information, regular updates, safe storage, and a strong seal to prevent forgery.

Conclusion 🎉

JWTs are popular because they’re secure, self-contained, easy to use, and perfect for scalable applications. They provide a reliable way to handle authentication, authorization, and secure information exchange. So, next time you build an API, try JWTs and enjoy their seamless, efficient security! 😊

Do you have any questions or tips about JWTs? Drop them in the comments below! 👇

#JSON #JWT #API #Cloud #DevOps

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